Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hello Kitty

Little Faye, darling that she is, is at that most awful stage where everything is an adventure and no cupboard is left unturned......looking at this photo butter would not melt in her mouth!!!

The Princess and the Pirate

This past weekend Andy and I had a Pirate Party to go to and Emily had a friends birthday party. Guess who the Pirate is?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

House progress...

The trusses are being put up, so the roof should be on within the next week or so (I hope!) then it will be the hard part - the finishes - fingers crossed we will still be able to move in 1 December - otherwise we may just be knocking on your door!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Faye's baby music

On Friday mornings myself and Faye have joined a baby music group where we learn some local childrens songs in Bembe and Nyanja. Faye thoroughly enjoys the lesson and is known there as the 'Dancing Queen' - Mama mia!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Den's 3rd Birthday party

Returned from Windhoek, kids went back to school - whew!!! and then it was Den's 3rd Birthday. He is now a BIG boy! He wanted 'Bob' to be at his birthday party so I managed to get my creative juices working and make a 'Bob the Builder' cake - didn't turn out too badly if I say so myself! We had a few games, 'Pass the parcel' with a few changes (three year olds don't yet seem to grasp the idea of passing ON the parcel UNTIL the music stops - not keeping the parcel for ones self all the time while the music is playing!!!), anyway the treasure hunt went down a treat and there were very few tears! I think kids birthday parties are more stressful than adult parties!!! The hit present was 'Lego Lightening McQueen' which goes everywhere with him now (John - where did you get it? Need to buy a back up!)

Quick trip to Windhoek

Managed to persuade hubby to look after the bigger two kids, so myself and Faye popped off to Windhoek for a week going back on the same flight as the folks. Faye had a great time with her cousins and I great time with my sister. Also got a few admin things done as well as a few cups of 'Kafee und Kuchen'!!

Lilayi Lodge

While Grandma and Grandad were visiting Lusaka we took them for Sunday lunch at Lilayi Lodge. Apart from my 3 monkey's we saw many other cheeky monkey's too....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

When you give a child a camera....

Emily kindly asked for my camera the other day, I was a bit reluctant, but this is what was on it when she returned it to me....

Its me again....

After almost 2 months of non-blogging I am back. In the meantime the shop finally opened, my folks visited us in Lusaka, I returned to Windhoek with them and Faye, came back home, Emily and Dennis' school started again, Janine - our architect, has been to stay and check up on the building, had Dennis' 3rd birthday been busy as a bee......