Sunday, September 19, 2010

Den's 3rd Birthday party

Returned from Windhoek, kids went back to school - whew!!! and then it was Den's 3rd Birthday. He is now a BIG boy! He wanted 'Bob' to be at his birthday party so I managed to get my creative juices working and make a 'Bob the Builder' cake - didn't turn out too badly if I say so myself! We had a few games, 'Pass the parcel' with a few changes (three year olds don't yet seem to grasp the idea of passing ON the parcel UNTIL the music stops - not keeping the parcel for ones self all the time while the music is playing!!!), anyway the treasure hunt went down a treat and there were very few tears! I think kids birthday parties are more stressful than adult parties!!! The hit present was 'Lego Lightening McQueen' which goes everywhere with him now (John - where did you get it? Need to buy a back up!)

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