Monday, June 11, 2012

We did it......

After weeks of pain and breathlessness we finally made it....we went from 'couch potato' to 5km. Well done to my running partners Sarah and Janet for the swimming or tennis next semester?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Its been a while....

The year is just flying much has been happening since my last post, I now don't know what to write. Let me first post a few photos of our trip down to Livingstone. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Bunny made it....

The Easter Bunny managed to get himself to Eastlands for a very early morning egg hunt with some nice goodies just to get that sugar into the kids bodies for a good Easter Sunday....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hanging in....

Well me and my 2 buddies are hanging in there with our 'From Couch Potato to 5K'.....this week it is alternate 5 min run, 90 second walk repetitions......even though we are not Zola Budds we are certainly getting there AND more to the point sticking to it.......

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Less Huff...more Puff

Well Day 2 was a whole lot better. A running friend of mine said to me that give it 2 weeks and it will come naturally...I gave her a rather sceptical look....BUT she may just be right..... I know I can...I know I can...I know I can!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Huff Puff...

Today was Day 1 of my new running programme.....From Couch Potato to 5k's in 9 weeks.....and did I huff and puff. Check out the programme it sounds pretty easy but for a non-runner like me it was quite difficult, but I felt wonderful at the end. So thumbs up to me sticking to this as I would love to run 5 kilometers without feeling like I am about to kick the bucket!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

The REAL Zamchicks....

A while ago...about 2 months ago, Andy spoke to our Zambian builder Zuzu about getting some chickens so that we can have fresh eggs daily!!! So one day Zuzu arrives in his Toyota Corolla with 3 chicken and a guinea fowl....I did not dare ask but I assume they were in the boot of the car!!! Well they get named by the kids....Emily calls one Spy (the black one), Dennis calls the other Cloud (the white one), and Faye calls hers Teddy Bear (the black one with a grey head), and then the guinea fowl gets called Spotty. Weeks go by and there is no sign of any eggs. So we assume we have been sold some 'dud' chickens and they will end up as Sunday roast!! Our gardener then tells us ' Madam, perhaps they are Village Chickens and you may need a rooster'. Well damned if I know! Anyhow we did not get the rooster and guess what today when we looked in the chicken hut we found some eggs..... So who knows!!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 new BF

WOW I am so impressed by the powers of white vinegar. I have been watching my bath taps become corroded with calcium for the past few months. After soaking them in vinegar overnight they are sparkly and new. What a winner, and cheap too!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Viva Zambia...

Well done Zambia in bringing the Africa Cup of Nations home......not that I am an avid football supporter but this is quite BIG news here...and the trainer ain't too bad looking himself!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

'Celebrity' Chef

Spent the morning at a friends house cooking up a 'healthy vegetarian' storm. Natalia was the teacher and we were her little helpers. What a great way to learn new recipes and have fun at the same time. Thanks very much Natalia for the inspiration.....

Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls

Avocado and Grapefruit Salad

Carrots with Feta Walnut and Herb Spread

Caramelised Onion and Pesto Pie

Our Feast of Food

Monday, February 6, 2012

Aren't sisters great....

A friend of mine sent me this quote and it made me smile.....

"In the biscuits of life, sister are the chocolate chips"

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A good find...

Today I found some rather nice candle sticks in a local shop here called LUSH, apart from catching my eye, they were a good price too. The pair of them for a measly 50 pin - thats a fiver in UK terms.
I thought it was money well spent, now just to find some lovely candles to put in.....

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I LOVE my family....

Not often we have a photo of Dad with all the kids....and they are all smiling... I Ì you guys!!

Lotions and Potions...

Thanks to my good friend Anita I was given this DEEE-VINE body wash for my birthday. Do yourselves a favour if you are passing a Body Shop get the Pear and Lemongrass Body is 'the biz' I'm smelling good enough to eat!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My beautiful family...

Here are my three children with their cousins Mark and Gina. It was the last day of our holidays in Windhoek and the children had to say goodbye to their cousins before they headed off out the door to school (at 6:30am!!) hence they all look 'sleepy-eyed'. It was also the day after my birthday and the day after Emilys first tooth fell out.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm back......

It has been quite a while since my last only excuse I can come up with is 'I am a mother of 3'!!
I cannot believe that January is almost over....where is the time going. Well my January so far has been pretty good, so I hope the year is a good one too. January is my birthday month, so heres a few photos of my birthday flowers. The paper ones were made by my kids, nephew and niece and some family friends. They are brilliant - thanks to Tante Tina's input :-) and are being cared for by my sister in Windhoek (as I was worried they would get squashed in my suitcase)
And the real ones were waiting for me when I returned back to Lusaka after being in Windhoek for 3 weeks. Hubby must have missed me!